The City of Brussels is the largest municipality and historical centre of the Brussels-Capital Region, as well as the capital of the Flemish Region and Belgium. The City of Brussels is also the administrative centre of the European Union, as it hosts a number of principal EU institutions in its European Quarter.
Is Cocaine Legal in Brussels?
In principle, the cultivation, import, sale and possession of (medicinal or recreational) cannabis is not allowed under Belgian law.
An exception is made for the cultivation of hemp with a THC level less than or equal to 0.2% and for which a cultivation authorisation has been granted by the regional competent authority.
Medicinal cannabis cannot be sold in Belgium. Only cannabis-based medicines, for which a marketing authorisation has been granted (e.g. Sativex), can be delivered under a doctor’s prescription.
Pharmacists can also dispense magisterial preparations on pharmaceutical raw materials such as cannabidiol (CBD) if they meet the following criteria:
- using raw materials such as CBD with trace amounts of THC for pharmaceutical compounding is only acceptable if the patient is exposed to up to 1 microgram Δ9-THC per kilogram of body weight per day. To our knowledge, only one company in Belgium has been authorised by the FAHMP to supply CBD powder to pharmacists for use in magisterial preparations at this time.
- cannabidiol-based preparations can only be supplied on a doctor’s prescription.
Where can you Find Cocaine in Brussels
Matong (near the Louise metro station) is an African quarter. Very mediocre quality and quantity, often merely bud. Rue de la poste used to be the spot to acquire it, but not anymore!! Generally, in town, you will ‘follow your nose’, and if approached correctly, certain young North African lads can assist… but be cautious. Personally, the Dutch border is an hour away from Brussels. However, there are frequent police checks at train stations, but there are no difficulties traveling by vehicle or highway.
Also: “The simplest thing to do is take a train to Holland, which leaves every hour. Go to Dordrecht or Rotterdam for the day and visit the coffee shops there. Go during the day and dress modestly to blend in among the commuters.
Sharing my experience on drugs found this female vendor with good quality products so I decided to share my thoughts on how you can get good quality cocaine, pills weed etc. Her products are 99% pure I can testify, she delivers world wide depending on your location you can message her via Gmail at ([email protected]) also comment below 👇 if you had a good experience with her service
female vendors made me a delivery 😁
Message thier service via the Email above
Discover greatness, I am a tourist thanks for sharing this great info now I got a secured coke vendor. Truth be told she is an amazing goddess
The lady is more legitimate than most of these male vendors the only negative thing about her service is the delivery at times takes more than tr expected time ⌚
April 21, 2024 Reply
I Also did message them via thier Telegram link click the link below to join chat
Actually yes I got the package but ask for coke and I got crack instead
We are tourists from the United States🇺🇸 actually, the lady got one of the best coke over. Back home most vendors just give you trash 🚮 to get high with
Happy to support their local services drop at your location safe and sound
It’s almost the end of year and we are getting into a new beginning 2025, I do appreciate everyone who supported the drug vendor because of this platform she has gian more clients. Remember always trade with her and get your orders delivered on time.this platform is to help you locate the right source
We need some few grams ,Possible to deliver at my hotel ?